Thursday, 18 October 2012

Week 1 - 18 Oct 2012 - Thu

Fourth day at SSMC.

Today started off with what I had done yesterday which was not mentioned in yesterday's post. I had identified and calculated the points for 'scanners' and 'corridors' from the whole fab. And after consultation form Miss Pascale, we have decided to have 2 charts for each category.

The current total number of charts that we will be requiring to create is 161 charts. The photo below shows the number of charts for the different categories.

Miss Pascale said that before I can create the charts, I have to understand the process and procedures of the Manufacturing Assistance (MA) taking measurements. This is to ensure the charts that I create can be valid under any circumstances. Thus, I need to know all possible scenarios that might happen.

So, I am required to visit the fab again. And I did. This afternoon, I went to the fab again but this time was alone. And even with Miss Pascale's verbal directions given, I am still confused... In the end, Miss Pascale drew me a 'map'. XP

I went there to see how the charge plate monitor works and to try setting up 'groups' and 'locations' in the PC and transfer to the charge plate monitor. The fab personnel, Azizah, was very friendly and kind to me. She showed me the steps and was helping me with the try-out as they had never done that before. And after some time, the set up was successful. (^^) The photo below shows the operator's guide for the charge plate monitor and because I was going in the fab which is of cleanroom environment, normal paper cannot be brought in. Hence, another copy is printed using cleanroom papers.

My last bit of work for today was to list out all points for future ease of reference. However, no photo taken. ;P That's all for today, I guess... Anyway, tomorrow is Friday! My first Firday since attachment started... ;P

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