Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Week 13 - 09 Jan 2013 - Wed

59th day at SSMC.

This morning I had helped my supervisor to update an Excel file by inserting the raw data into a table which will be analysed by the pivot table and the analysed results will be displayed in another table.

For this task, there were some inconsistency in the raw data, most probably were due to human errors during data entry. Thus, I had double checked the unusual raw data with the individual report on the lot ID and then correct the raw data in the Excel file before I insert the raw data into the table.

After finishing this task, I carried on to create a document on the list of chart IDs that we have as it is required by the IT personnel to link the triggering system to the charts that we have. (^^)

After lunch, I had followed my supervisor into the fab again to teach the MAs on the steps for data entry into the database, with the help of my training guides. I had included screen shots of the steps to allow clearer understanding of the MAs.

After showing the MA the steps, she gave us her feedback on the new procedures and during the discussion, problems arises.

After which, I had went back to the office to do a PowerPoint on the tasks that I had completed and the problems that we met. My supervisor will be using this PowerPoint to discuss with the IT personnel on the solution to all the problems we faced.

 That's all for today.

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