Thursday, 1 November 2012

Week 3 - 01 Nov 2012 - Thu

13th day at SSMC.

Today, I finished up yesterday's work (which is identifying the different wafer defect types) and carried on to categorize the data into different wafer types by the working weeks.

The categorization was done using Excel's formula and the formula used today were similar to previous work. I had used the 'COUNTOFS' and 'SUMIFS' fomula, however, I spent quite a while on setting the criteria. I had also set up 2 Excel's charts based on the data I had categorized. Overall, I still managed to finish this task before lunch.

After lunch, I continued my second task (assigned on Tuesday) that is regrouping of the points for the measurement.

To have a clearer idea of where the points exactly are located in the different areas, I identified all the points on the map of each areas. Nonetheless, this task is another time consuming work. But halfway through, we have came up with 1 idea. Just that, Miss Pascale mentioned before that we should always have a back up plan so I trying to think of another idea (just for in case). But, ideas don't just come easily. >.<

I left the largest area, with the most number of points, not done identifying the points yet. Guess tomorrow will continue thinking and hope to come up with better and more ideas.

By the way, today is first day of November and tomorrow is Friday. This week is ending soon.

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