Friday, 2 November 2012

Week 3 - 02 Nov 2012 - Fri

14th day at SSMC.

Today, I can say to have solve some parts of the 'problem'. (^^) Before sharing what I have solve, I shall explain the situation first.

Part of my creating charts process is to create the DCOPs. And to get these DCOPs, I need to decide on how I want the points (for measurement) to be divided. But, there's a limitation for the DCOPs, that is, each DCOP can only have a maximum of 7 alphanumeric characters.

Thus, 1 of my idea is that, for the 1st and 2nd characters, it will be initials of the different areas. For example, BR for Ball Room and TL is for Test Lab.

The 3rd and 4th characters determine either the months of the readings or measurement being taken or the type of measurement such as AV for Air Velocity.

The last 3 characters will be either the Number or the 'coordinates' of the points or the ID of the measurement points. But this Number determine the range of the points. For example, 20 means for points up to 20. Thus, 1 DCOP can be for a number of points.

And we are able to link few DCOPs to 1chart, that's why we have decided to create more DCOPs.

Today, I have settled the DCOPs for particle count and air velocity. I had only left ionization, ESD and field voltage. And once everything's done, we will be able to start creating the charts... I am 1 step nearer to my goal. (^^)

Last day of the week. Time to rest. Weekends, hope you will pass slowly...

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