Wednesday 30 January 2013

Week 16 - 30 Jan 2013 - Wed

72nd day at SSMC.

Wednesday, third day of the week and this week left 2 days! (^^)

Today, I had helped my supervisor to recalculate the GR&R done yesterday as the result obtained yesterday was still unacceptable. This time round, my supervisor had asked me to divide all results by 50 and use the derived results to calculate the GR&R values. Although, the results change slightly, it was still unacceptable. Thus, my supervisor had decided to use another sample to run the data.

After which, I had helped my supervisor to create a one page summary regarding a tool update. The information was provided by supervisor and I only had transferred them into PowerPoint slides. Detail information on the tool will not be elaborated. ;P

After lunch, I had helped to extract data on wafer chipping to create trend chart for my supervisor. The extracting of data was easy compared to figuring the settings of the trend chart. I had spent more time on setting the chart rather than on extracting the data. >.<

 After that, I had helped my supervisor to do another round of GR&R calculation using data of the new sample. Same thing was done; exporting data out and calculations done. :)

That's all for today.

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